

Iceland University of the Arts

Diploma in Art Education 2016

Master in Design 2015


University Center “Cesar Ritz” Iceland and Swiss

Postgraduate Diploma in International Hospitality Management 2010


University of Iceland

Icelandic for foreigners 2004/2005


Academy for Advertising and Design Stuttgart, Germany

State-certified advertising designer/Bachelor degree 1999


Vocational School and vocational training in sign making Germany

Vocational school OSZ II Barnim in Eberswalde and vocation training in Zittau

Certificate of apprenticeship 1997




Bláskógaskóli in Reykholt (Biskupstungar) since August 2016

Visual arts, home economics and environmental education teacher. Team teaching at the intermediate level and the youngest level.


Guesthouse Númi at Núpi in Dýrafjörður summer 2019

Work related to the company's marketing, logo design, photography and installation of promotional material and a website. Construction work for the opening of a guesthouse. Teaching creative courses in the summer of 2019.


Reykjavík School of Fine Arts, summer 2015 and 2016

Instructor: Creative summer course (kite making) for children and primary school teachers.


Iceland Academy of the Arts September 2016

Part-time teacher: Creative kite making for primary school teachers.


Plan ehf consulting and design since 2001

Graphic design and product design (example Fortune Cup® fortuneteller box).


Gerðuberg Cultural Center, Árnesingar Art Museum in Hveragerði, Búðardalur spring and summer 2016

Creative kite making workshops for people of all ages.


AD Travel travel agency, Reykjavík October 2011 - July 2013

Office work where I took care of the organisation of German travel groups to Iceland and also took care of the organisation of individual trips.


Hotel Holt, Reykjavík January - September 2011

receptionist  and graphic designer


Restaurant Three Frenchmen, Reykjavík October 2009 - June 2010

Work with the study in one of the oldest restaurants in the country.


Hjallastefnu playschool Laufásborg, Reykjavík August 2007 - May 2008

Margrét Pála Ólafsdóttir and her educational model were a role model for me when I wrote my master's thesis.


Pipar ehf auglýsingastofa, Reykjavík November 2006 - March 2007

Graphic designer.


Nema ehf study counseling, Reykjavík November 2003 - April 2005

Idea work and graphic design of the book "Lærum að nema" with an emphasis on dyslexia.


TWplus textile agency, Koblenz, Germany August 2001 - March 2003

Graphic designer. Participated in numerous shootings and then worked on setting up advertisements and promotional material. Supervisor for students within the company.


Werbedienst advertising agency Zittau, Germany April 1999 - August 1999

Trained employee and project manager.


Gerhart - Hauptmann - Theater in Zittau February - April 1999

Part-time job as assistant director and lighting master.


Reklamewerkstatt Riedel, Zittau, Germany August 1997 - January 1999

Trained employee.


Computer skills

Seesaw, Mentor, OneNote, Microsoft Office (Word, PowerPoint, Excel), Adobe Creative Cloud (Photoshop, In Design, Illustrator, Acrobat, Spark), iMovie, StopMotion, Google Classroom Knowledge, WordPress.


Social work


I have been the chairman of the cultural affairs committee in Bláskógabyggð since 2018 and I am organising theater tours, book presentations and art courses for residents. I have organised the family and kite festival at Skálholt 2019. I took an active part in the development of the school grounds (the outdoor learning area). In addition, I work in the women's association in Biskupstungur. I'm the organiser of regular women's meetings called "Sköpum saman". We are drawing and painting together and I have also held courses or invited outside teachers to hold art courses. I have been involved in set design for the theater group Biskupstungna in recent years.